super nozzle
Another modern and unique product of padideh Estakhr for the first time in Iran and all over the world: to present a different and very applicable product of padideh Estakhr.
Common questions related to super nozzle:
What is super nozzle?
Why padideh Estakhr has attempted to produce super nozzle?
Which problems have been solved by super nozzle?
What are padideh Estakhr super nozzle advantages?
What are problems of usual nozzles?
Is executed Super nozzle in padideh Estakhr projects?

What problems have been solved by super nozzle?
_to resolve nonuniform problem of usual brass nozzles thread and UPVC one-head gear knee thread.
- to resolve problem of sinking usual nozzles into ceramic and placing lower than ceramic level, and hardening sealing and installing top.
-to resolve leakage around usual nozzles after opening sealing.
-to resolve problem of water low pressure as nozzle is lower than ceramic level.

SuperNozzle Introducing Video
What is super nozzle?
Super nozzle is a unique piece that used in jacuzzi piping to create pressure and jump for a mixture of water and air toward user back or foot. Due to its specific and engineering design, super nozzle is substituted brass or steel nozzles available in market and will resolved all problems of usual nozzles.
What are padideh Estakhr super nozzle advantages?
-reliable connection to UPVC piping and resolving sealing of nozzles called piping
-independent of material thickness from jacuzzi concrete to ceramic
-resolving sealing of nozzles common in the market completely.
To reduce dramatically jacuzzi nozzles pump power.
Why padideh Estakhr has attempted to produce super nozzle?
Since 2008 beginning to design and construct water complexes by padideh Estakhr professionally, our concern always was jacuzzi sealing and it caused to mental and financial losses.
One of the main reasons for unsuccessful sealing is usual jets base. Because a quadripartite jacuzzi may be executed 16 nozzles, that is, 16 high risk point for sealing. Yet, it is not just a problem for usual nozzles. Following we examine usual nozzles problems and will observed that how super nozzle could have resolved all these problems.
What are usual nozzles problems?

1) to resolve nonuniform problem of usual brass nozzles thread and UPVC one-head gear knee thread.
To connect usual nozzles to UPVC one-head gear knee, some Teflon and sometimes some jute yarn and pulp is used. As the nozzle thread and knee material is, different and threads steps also are different, sealing these two attachments is very time consuming and high risk, because if a little Teflon is used it isn't sealed and if used much, the knee is tracked.
Super nozzle attachment is done by glue and is exactly similar to other UPVC piping parts. Simplicity, execution speed and reliable sealing are considerable advantages of the product.
2) resolve problem of sinking usual nozzles into ceramic and placing lower than ceramic level, and hardening sealing and installing top.
When executing usual nozzles, it is not possible to estimate frame finished balance and ceramic and cementation thickness accurately, which causes the nozzle to execute more distant from ceramic level and sealing from nozzle edge to ceramic becomes very hard and leads to water waste from the same point. Super nozzle makes this possible to cut tube aligned with ceramic and install the top.

Super nozzle is independent of cementation and ceramic finished leveling and the frame level is not important.

3) to resolve leakage around usual nozzles after opening sealing

After sealing around nozzle, it is hard to open flumes and it causes to problem.

super nozzle needs no metal flume and after executing ceramic, the tube is cut and top installed.

4) water low pressure due to nozzle being lower than ceramic level.

Water after passing through nozzle by diameter of 3mm flows faster and the more far from the human back, the less pressure and more strong pump is needed.

Distance of usual nozzles is much from ceramic and pressure reduces.
Super nozzle will reduce pump power at least 30 percent, since the nozzle will reach to the nearest distance to human back or foot by interface piece. As a result there will be pump with smaller size but water standard pressure.

to execute super nozzle in padideh Estakhr projects:

super nozzle's catalog:
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